Inspiring Children Across our Nation
I CAN generate methods to educate and inspire the children of today
I CAN create a Stronger Nation for tomorrow
What we’ve achieved
feeding america
Every food bank, church, school, food pantry & prison reinforcement that we visited were meant to be. We were able to volunteer, work, listen, educate, donate cash and groceries to help save lives and feed tens of thousands of people across our country. 12 States total thus far: California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas. 2nd Trip Hawaii 3rd Trip, Chicago & Tennessee
Moorpark Unified School District
$33,000 to Moorpark Unified School District with efforts to advance public education
Covid 19’s World Pandemic
$10,000 to provide Groceries, Medical Supplies, Emergency Supplies, Sanitizers, Soaps, Toiletries, Kids Creative Activity Sets & Toys to Southern Ca. Families in need during Covid 19’s World Pandemic
Christmas Charity
$10,000.00 Christmas Charities: Toys for Tots, Adopt A Family Program, Pantry Plus, Moorpark Unified School District Holiday Fundraisers and Moorpark Holy Cross Catholic Church Holiday Fundraiser for Disabled Adults
OPERATIONS blankets of love
$5,000 to Operation Blankets Of Love to help save Animals lives
Y.M.C.A Orange county
$4,000 to Y.M.C.A. Orange County “Highest Donation Given” during the Miss California/Nevada United States Pageant 2019 Pageant
Bath and Body Works
$3,000 to “Bath & Body Works” Essential Needs for Students & Pageant Contestants
All 4 one Basketball
$2,500 to “All 4 One” Traveling Basketball Team
Medical staff workers
$2,000 to Provide Custom “Thank You” Bakery Items & Lunch to Medical Staff Workers
St. jude Children’s hospital
$1,000 to St. Jude Children’s Hospital to help end childhood cancer
Educational camps
$500.00 to Sponsor 2 Inspiring H.S. Students with their Enrichment Educational Camps
Children’s hospital of LA & OC
$250.00 to Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles & Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Walk & Play L.A.
$250.00 to Walk & Play L.A. “Benefited Children’s Hospital Of L.A. & Covid-19 Emergency Response fund
Girl scouts youth organization
$250.00 to Girl Scouts Youth Organization
Little miss santa clarita
$100.00 to Sponsor Little Miss Santa Clarita in the Miss California United States Pageant
miss simi valley
$100.00 to Sponsor Miss Simi Valley in the Miss California USA Pageant
Moorpark karate
$100.00 to Moorpark Food Pantry and Moorpark Karate & Krav Maga
““If you can’t feed 100 people, feed just one…””